You sit down in an interview and the boss starts with: “Tell me why you want to work here.” You say:Hopefully something that belies my desperation and still comes across as sincere. I know I’ve interviewed for jobs that I didn’t really want – reporting on niche industries I have zero interest in. Recruiters can probably sniff that out pretty fast. It’s a hard line to walk though when you really need that job – or any job, really. My poker face needs a lot of work.
Please write a haiku about your dream job.
My boss: Ira Glass
Protected from recession
Huzzah, not retail!
Tell us about a time you were a real “team player”?
I had one job that required me to write 30 to 40 newsbrief abstracts between the hours of
I couldn’t be bothered to read a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book, as that requires too much effort. I prefer the kind of escapism where you realize you have no control over the outcome and thus have to accept it. I have enough anxiety over the future as it is. That said, B is pretty tempting….no, wait, I mean A! Can I still pick A? See what I mean?
That I prefer a job in publishing but since the job market in that industry is so saturated right now, I’m entertaining a lot of different options. As long as it’s not retail! I’m rapidly approaching age 30, I live in