Saturday, October 9, 2010

Nothing to see here...

....Move along and visit me here from now on.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where PCs Go To Die

There are few things more terrifying to someone who's underemployed than being temporarily without a cell phone and without a reliable computer/Internet connection. Both happened to me last week and are to blame for my lack of recent posts. But as of today, I have no more excuses (except for an Internet connectivity problem that two visits from Comcast technicians have failed to fix).

After three fantastically crap experience with PC laptops, I took the plunge and bought a MacBook today, and I haven't looked back. This bite-sized wonder is about to transform me into the consumer Apple marketers have been targeting for years and I don't mind at all. And in the next few days I promise to come back and document the journey, but in the meantime I need to go and search my hard drive for Justin Long. He must be around here somewhere.